Os Terribles de Donas – Pedramoura

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Los Terribles de Donas presented their second album “Pedramoura”

Tradition and youth, modernity and historical legacy.

“Terrible Os of doughnuts” returning musical today with their second album “Pedramoura” a work which collects his musical legacy and presents new compositions. It echoes a traditional album to terrible Os submitted from 3 December Furanchos and traditional galician spaces.

SKU: PAIF11077 Category:



Los Terribles de Donas presented their second album “Pedramoura”

Tradition and youth, modernity and historical legacy.

“Terrible Os of doughnuts” returning musical today with their second album “Pedramoura” a work which collects his musical legacy and presents new compositions. It echoes a traditional album to terrible Os submitted from 3 December Furanchos and traditional galician spaces.

After  listening the name Terribles de Donas in the memory of many melodies of the brass band that played there by the 1950s, all popular party that is my in the region of Val Miñor and surroundings, to Act also in the North of Portugal. This training kept his intense activity, even there was ones “terrible”, fruit of the emigration, to the other side of the Atlantic, until the middle of them 60, when decide cesar in his activity musical.

Now, thanks memory and tenacity of the descendants of those first terrible can return to enjoy the music of this formation which both danced our country and grandparents. Since the 2004 Manuel Antunez, Manolo Sousa, Suso Sousa, Xurxo Antunez, Veronica Sousa and Xaime Estévez are working in the recovery of the Repertoire of the first terrible. In 2009 they released their first album, edited by PAI music, “Abrollido”, a magnificent sound collection of 12 songs, accompanied by a book which helps us to learn about the history of the “Pedramoura” Terribles.


“Pedramoura”, recorded in the studios of Casa de Tolos (Gondomar) and edited by PAI music, is the second album by this formation striving every day to regain its past enjoy the present and build a new future. A formation in which the different generations give hand to enjoy traditional music.

” Pedramoura”is a step in the recovery of the legacy of sound heritage, and represents the consolidation of terrible Os of the 21ST century. A group, and not only musical, still recovering his repertoire to attach the new melodies composed by themselves. In this work we find 19 themes that make a full tour by the music Galician. From the best-known muiñeira, accompanied by feasts, pasodobles, rumbas and even some polka.

The name of this album it sought you terrible in the place of Pedra Moura, and its castro in the Monte da Pinceiras. “Doing a tribute to one of the most spectacular and emblematic of the Val Miñor” according to themselves. Pedramoura lived the story of  the terribles  very closely, and if there was where the first terrible made his musical debut, there is where Os terrible of 21ST century sought inspiration for this according to work. And not only the inspiration, because all those who buy the disc you will find more than this magical place called Pedra Moura…

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Weight 0,2 kg



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